Friday, December 28, 2012

Now showing "just" 2012 SOLD MLS data

Previously we had an option for showing details for solds listings after 2005 and 2010. We now let you pull up just sold data after 2011 (which would include 2012) and 2012+.

Thanks to Megan for this suggestion.

Frank p.s. We also have buyer agent commissions being shown, more on that soon!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Verify Cell Coverage!

I will admit when I get an idea from another place. And it was so obvious. Lani Rosales from Agent Genius did a blog post about a new service that will use an app on millions of people's phones to independently show you cell coverage for any home address. Brilliant.

She found a service called Open Signal that does this and wrote about it in this blog post. She challenged all large and small home search sites to see who would incorporate it first.

I was on it.

But it first required a "key" from the company.

So I did the next best thing while waiting for that key. I now made it so in one click you can verify the coverage of ATT. The address is already built into the link, just send it off. Just like you love the Verify Schools link (certain counties).

Soon this dynamic link will work for Verizon, Tmobile and Sprint. For now they are simply links that require you to re-enter the address. I couldn't do it immediately since I am about to head out on a 20 mile run, a new record for me (sorry too much info??).

So what do you think?

To those that say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", sorry I made the site a tad better today.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Design, Need your help & Feedback

Ok, so after a year of effort we have launched the new design.  (not to be confused with the database crash bugs and glitches recently occurring)

The reviews are mixed. Some hate it because it doesn't work perfectly for them, while it might work perfectly for others. The problem is we are trying to do so much, and are such bleeding edge with this stuff that we can't test it out on all 10,000 variations of browser sizes, types, version, Mac or PC.

So we need your help. Tell us what you like and what you don't like. We can tweak it so it will work on more browsers.

Just so you know, here is the goal.

a) Old way. After doing a spreadsheet search one would mouseover a MLS# to see the 4 inch preview image. The images were preloaded so it would be screaming fast. Ie, the image would appear in under .1 seconds after mousing over the MLS#.

b) New way Attempt #1: A mouseover of the MLS# would show the LARGE image as the default. 4x larger. We also preloaded these images so they would be instant, but it crashed many computers since thefilze sizes were so big. 100 results x Large images = too much for some.

c) New way Attempt #2: Instead of preloading the default image, we call them up after you mouseover. The upside is it doesn't crash some of your computers. The downside is the .1 second reaction time jumps to .5 seconds or even 1 second, which is too slow for us instant gratitude people.

d) Proposed new way: Stick to the preloaded middle size images, but keeping the new pop up for the other benefits (see below). You can see the larger main image (after doing another rollover) 1 second after the instant middle size image.

a) This custom pop up software (after 6 programmers failed to achieve this) is more interactive. It lets the user see all 10-30 more photos, all in the huge size, all from within the pop up. No need to go to the full listing page. A huge time saver (eventually once the bugs are gone)

GOAL #3 Coming soon: See ALL DATA in POP UP
a) Now it will also let you see the remarks and address and price like before. But soon it will show most of the same data available in the Full listing. Tax assessment, former price, #bdr, etc. REALLY saving time.

So keep emailing me your thoughts. Be kind. Jerks will be told to go elsewhere. Send screen shots if something looks funky and if I only hear from the negative nellies, those that like it might lose out.

Other fixes: Login was being hidden based on your browser width. That has been fixed.


p.s. Please leave a comment about your thoughts (consider reading the other comments too). And use a name other than Anonymous. Heck use a fake name. It makes it easier to reply to a different name. Also try and include your computer type and monitor type.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New "Open House" search

Now you can add the phrase "Open House" (with quotes) to any area to see all upcoming registered open houses (this is only of the agent checke a box for an upcoming open. It will NOT look for lazy agents that just put "Open Sun" in the remarks.)

Vienna "Open House"
22101 "Open House"
"Open House" Lake Barcroft

An hour after the open house ends, the search should no longer show that OH. Note that most agents place OHs midweek.




Thank you,

Frank LLosa,  J.D.
Broker  Better Technology, Better Agents.
Gtalk/IM: fllosa
