Thursday, December 24, 2009

Easier to view the # of viewings and # of saved.

Now we put on the top right side of the listing how many people have viewed a listing and how many have saved it. For example:

As of this moment
says: Saved by 8 Users. Viewed by 37. (22%)

Also with the %. Hopefully in the future we can use this data to see if there is a correlation between the list price and the sold price for homes that are saved by a high % of people. Won't that be fun?



  1. Frank, Hi, thanks for all your efforts and information. I think I've missed a recent update on your franklymls listing features. I am seeing listings from my search results with a lower case "f" type symbol next to the current sale price. What does this symbol mean? Thanks, Joe

  2. Update, this has now been moved to the spreadsheet view.

  3. Is there a way to remove something from Favorites without hiding it so I never see it again?

  4. I havent thought about that. There is a button that will hide all of your favorites, and you can then unhide them.

    Can you give me more details

  5. I put houses that i want to see into my favorites. After I see them and don't like them, i would like to be able to take them out of the favorites list but still see their data in the main spreadsheet view, etc. So I guess I'm just looking for a button that "un-favorites" a listing and puts it back with the rest of the listings. Thanks!

  6. Is there a way to show all of my selected 'favourite' properties on a map? That would be great !
