Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Predict Bidding War Situations. The New Fire Symbol!

With all the bidding wars going on, wouldn't it be nice to know when a listing might be more likely to have a bidding war situation?

See an example with a search in Arlington Virginia homes for sale.

Well now, we will show a    symbol when there is a listing that meets the following criteria

1) The homes is under 7 Days On Market
2) The listing agent has a selling track record of getting the seller over 100% of list price on at least HALF of their listings... that sell in 7 days.

The #2 is a little tricky, so I will explain it another way. The flame is just looking at the agent's track record when their listings sell in under 7 days. So they might have 100 listings and only 3 sell in under 7 days. Meaning only a 3% chance of a bidding war. And if 2 of those 3 (over 50%) sell for over list, there WILL be a flame symbol.

So the flame represents IF (a big IF) this home were to sell in under 7 days, it has over a 50% chance of selling for over list price based on the agent's track record.

I am open to suggestions for adjusting this metric, but for now I kept it simple. 

What do you think? Leave your comments.
Also the FPP (Frankly Price Predictor) will have an adjustment shortly for homes likely to go over list.


Friday, May 24, 2013 Cell Mode Tutorial (VIDEO)

The cell mode is becoming more and more popular, so here is an updated how to video.

Also, now you can login and retrieve your saved searches from the cell mode. Some people even use the cell mode at to do their main desktop searches because it is so fast and simple.

A couple of tips: The less info you put the better. If looking for a specific home try just 2 variables:
1) the street #
2) the zipcode or street name

Don't put in stuff like "St." or extra small words. Just try two. Soon you will be able to favorite individual listings from the cell mode too.

Written by Frank

Thursday, May 23, 2013

iPhone & Android Cell Users, add a Shortcut to your Home Screen

Attn cell/tablet users. I'm working on making your site experience better. Maybe an APP, but who needs another app if you can just add a bookmark on your home screen which is essentially the same thing (on my site).

For iPhone watch the video below or follow these steps:
1) Go to
2) Press the  [>]  button at the bottom
3) Select "Add to Home Screen"

For Android, watch the video below or take these steps.
1) go to
2) Save page as a bookmark ("add bookmark" from menu at bottom of phone)
3) GO back into bookmarks, and HOLD the screen over the bookmarked page
4) Select "add shortcut to Home"

If you prefer the main page, you can also make a shortcut icon for that. You can even make an icon AFTER you conduct a search, so you are 1 button away from seeing the results page and all homes in the search you want.
Hope this helps!