Wednesday, August 26, 2009

iPhone And Cell Mode for MLS Searching

So is probably the easiest way to view the MLS on your cell phone. Previously I was routing all cell phones to However iPhone users felt their browser could support the regular page.

So at the request of a client, I have made it so iPhone users that enter through will see the normal front page AND (this is the latest tweak) when they click on a listing, they will see the regular computer version, and not be switched over to the cell mode.

But if you are on an iPhone, or another phone, and you enter in on (faster/smaller images), when you click on any listing you will see the cell mode. SOon there will be a link at the bottom of the cell mode for you to see the regular CPU version.

To those that don't use their cell phone to follow the MLS, this might seem like minor tweaks, but to hard core users, it can be very frustrating when some of the data that you come to expect isn't as easily accessible.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

INMAN Innovator of the Year Winner: FranklyMLS

Many of you might not know what INMAN is, but it is the leading real estate news organization outside of the official Realtor association.

Anyhow, Frank, the creator of won the 2009 Innovator of the Year award to a crowd of 1500 people two days ago at Inman Connect in San Fran.

Kinda cool that they noticed our little ole MLS site here on the east coast. Thanks Inman. And thank you if you are one of the many that have sent in suggestions for making the site better.

Inman Article: View Annoucement
Watch video:

I will have a more detailed blog post on how everything unraveled out in San Fran and I will post it on, so make sure to subscribe to that blog.

Post written by Frank

(Photo by Tim Suh)

(Video by Ray from

Thursday, August 6, 2009

As demanded! SORT by column headers!

You asked for it.
I gave a bunch of excuses for not doing it.
Now we have it!

Previously the only way to sort in spreadsheet mode was to click on a scroll bar and pick from a luandry list of ways to sort.

We just recently redid the backend of the site (to make it 50% faster) and in doing so, somehow the sorting option works with the new infrastructure.

We will still have the drop down sort options. We might remove the repetative stuff like Price and DOM, but we will leave the more complex srting like % of tax assessment to sales price.

